GRNTI 67.09 Строительные материалы и изделия
BBK 35 Химическая технология. Химические производства
Experiments on the introduction of basalt fiber with various density and length of cutting into the composition of the dispersed-reinforced asphalt mixture were carried out, laboratory tests of asphalt concrete samples were carried out, the optimal density and length of cutting basalt fiber for introduction into asphalt concrete mixtures In transport construction, asphalt concrete is widely used, which is prone to cracking, peeling, chipping, formation of stakes, waves and depressions. The way to increase the resistance of asphalt concrete to external loads is the introduction of fibers and threads into its composition. Introduction to the asphalt-concrete mixture of small (discrete) elements allows to achieve their uniform distribution (dispersion) in the mixture, and to obtain a "composite" material with higher physical and mechanical properties in the finished structural element
composite material production technology, basalt fiber, basalt fiber density, basalt fiber cutting length, laboratory tests of asphalt concrete samples, introduction of basalt fiber into the asphalt concrete mixture.
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