Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To investigate the effectiveness of autologous cells of stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue in severe local radiation skin injuries after the exposure of rats to X-rays. Material and methods: Experiments were performed on Wistar rats, weighing 200–230 g. Rats were exposed locally in iliolumbar region using X-ray machine LNC-268 (RAP 100-10) at a dose of 110 Gy (30 kV tube voltage, current 6.1 mA, thick Al filter 0.1 mm), dose rate: 17.34 Gy/min. Area of the irradiation field was 8.2–8.5 cm2. Transplantation of autologous cells of stromal vascular fraction (SVFC) of adipose tissue was carried out on 21st or 35th days after irradiation. SVFC isolation was performed by means of enzymatic treatment of adipose tissue. SVFC suspension was administered subcutaneously at a dose of 1×106 cells per injection around the radiation ulcers.The severity of radiation damage to the skin and the effects of cellular therapy were evaluated in the dynamics of clinical manifestations, with the help of plane geometry and pathomorphometry. Results: It was found that by the 17–25th day after irradiation radiation ulcers were formedon rat skin. In the control group of animalsulcers persisted throughout the observation period of more than 3 months. The area of ulcers was 1,87 ± 0,35 cm2 and 1.52 ± 0.24 cm2 at 83th and 90th days after irradiation, respectively. In animals of the experimental group, with autologous stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue, was significant decrease in ulceration the area in comparison to control animals. In 80 % of the rats treated with SVFC on 21st day after exposure, to the 90th day after irradiation complete healing of ulcers occurred with the formation of atrophic scar at the site of radiation injuries. These clinical observations and planimetric were correlated with the results of histomorphometry. Conclusion: Transplantation autologous SVFC of adipose tissue contributes to accelerate the healing of radiation ulcers after local x-ray exposure in the experiment, indicating that the prospects of using adipose tissue cell products for the treatment of severe local radiation injuries.

stromal vascular fraction, adipose tissue, cell technology, local radiation damage, multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, radiation skin ulcers

Радиационные поражения кожи и подлежащих тканей могут возникать при неравномерном облучении в аварийных ситуациях, инцидентах с источниками ионизирующих излучений, а также как осложнения после рентгенотерапии и гамма-терапии опухолевых заболеваний. Для лечения больных с лучевыми ожогами в зависимости от периода и тяжести патологического процесса могут использоваться различные консервативные методы лечения, действие которых направлено на уменьшение воспалительной реакции, ограничение некробиотических процессов, улучшение микроциркуляции, обезболивание, борьбу с инфекцией и стимуляцию репаративных процессов. Однако в ряде случаев при консервативном лечении возникают длительно незаживающие лучевые язвы на фоне выраженного нарушения трофики облученных тканей, что требует хирургического вмешательства, которое не всегда возможно из-за общего состояния организма и сопутствующих заболеваний.


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