Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article substantiates benchmarks of reindustrialization economy, Russia. While reindustrialization is understood as a technology base, capable of concurrent development of industry and the economy as a whole. The authors examine the global trend of decline in the share of industry in the gross product of the developed countries and the aim is to find indicators of development communication industry with the development of the economy as a whole. Based on the analysis of statistical information of development indicators large technologically developed countries it is demonstrated that long-term acceleration of economies is based on accelerating their industrial component. It is proved that there is a single quantitative indicator of the quality of the economy and its industrial sector, which is characterized by the ability of these macrosystems for longer-term accelerating their development. The article substantiates that industrial policy must be based on the use of previously unknown indicative guidelines development: macroconstants of development of economies and their industrial sector. The range of quantitative ratio of quality indicators of economy and quality indicators of their industry, the prevailing for most of the major countries of the world technological leaders. The authors consider the roots of pushback to development of technological environment and it is proved that there are promising developments of Russian researchers on technology reform in the large socioeconomic systems, and positive changes in the provocation techniques backward technological habitat.
reindustrialization strategy, development management, macroconstants development, the economic level of technology, industry, technological habitat.
Задача индустриализации экономики России, заодно избавление от сырьевой ориентации, стоит на повестке дня более ста лет [1–3]. Академик В.М. Полтерович в 2008 г. заметил, что «Надо осознать, что российский ВВП на душу населения составляет примерно 30% американского.
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