Razrabotano programmnoe obespechenie po generacii tehnologicheskih kart vizual'nogo i izmeritel'nogo kontrolya. Predstavlen interfeys novogo PO, popolnyaemye biblioteki normativno-tehnicheskoy dokumentacii i eskizov svarnyh soedineniy, repozitariy sformirovannyh tehnologicheskih kart. Provedena ocenka ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti ot avtomatizacii sozdaniya tehnologicheskih kart. Predlozhen podhod po sozdaniyu sistemy elektronnogo dokumentooborota na predpriyatii.
tehnologicheskaya podgotovka proizvodstva, elektronnyy dokumentooborot, nerazrushayuschiy kontrol', prikladnoe programmnoe obespechenie, tehnologicheskaya karta, ekonomicheskaya effektivnost'
1. James Hamilton. Speech at the 18th Annual Conference of the IAP: “The prosecutor and the rule of law”. 2013.
2. International Association of Prosecutors. Standards of Professional Responsibility and Statement of the Essential Duties and Rights of Prosecutors, term 3. 1999.
3. United Nation Office on Drugs and Srime. United Nations Convention against Corruption: article 11 implementation guide and evaluative framework. 2015.
4. Prosecution Code. sect. 1. Department of Justice Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 2013. p. 6.
5. United States Attorney’s Manual, article 9-2.001. United Stated, Department of Justice. 1997.
6. Prosecution of Offences Act. Ireland, Office of the Attorney General. 1974, sect. 2(5) and 6. p. 7.