Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Using the computer graphics tools in the design allows improve the design quality and speed, as well as provide the qualitative front end engineering design. In this paper the problem related to improvement of quality in engineering training for students of technical high educational institutions, that today is considered as one of the main tasks for the system of higher professional education. A method proposed by authors allows solve this problem in the frame of students training in disciplines of graphic cycle, and directed to introducing the computer technologies in the teaching process of students. This method provides the development of students’ professional skills in the area of products and electronic devices design, and in the front end engineering design. In such a case, design is regarded from the standpoint of project-process approach. Project-process approach is a combination of interrelated projects implemented in the frame of process. A process is considered as a group of projects aimed at achievement of a planned result – a design object model. Design objects models in the area of mechanical engineering, electronics and electric power engineering, are presented as drawings, schemes and 3D models. That is why the emphasis is upon models and drawings building by means of CAD software (Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Kompas-Grafik, Kompas 3D). A high level of students’ competences can be achieved by modernization the educational content so that from their first teaching year the students could see the relation of learned graphical disciplines with their future professional occupation and prospects of production development and project activities. State-oftheart software for devices design provides for students an opportunity to extent their possibilities in the learning of graphical disciplines’ courses. The project-process approach is necessary for identifying and studying the relationship between the design as a process and the reformative human activity in general.
computer graphics, engineering graphics, computer technologies in the process of students teaching, design, projectprocess approach, Computer Aided Design Systems (CAD Systems).
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