BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
Some issues of lawmaking activity planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan as one of the important components of legislative activity are discussed, and its importance in improving legislation is analyzed in the article. The author pays special attention to the types and stages of the legislative process In the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main problems of planning the legislative activity of the Government and of other subjects of lawmaking are considered. Also the ways to improve the planning of lawmaking activity taking into account the current realities of the development of the legislative process in the Republic of Kazakhstan are proposed. Planning of legislative activities in Kazakhstan needs to be improved and, first of all, by means of increasing the information transparency of planning, the development of forecasting, improving the coordination of planning of subjects of the right of legislative initiative and the development of regulatory support for planning. The issues of application of technologies of legislative forecasting as an obligatory element of lawmaking are separately considered. The conclusion about the role of planning of lawmaking activity in counteraction to the processes of «shadow lobbying» is substantiated. It seems that the implementation of these proposals will ensure an increased role for planning in the country’s legislative process. In the context of the problems studied, the question of the legislative activity of the subjects of the legislative initiative and the subjects of lawmaking has considerable scientific and practical interest. The author reveals a tendency to reduce the lawmaking activity of the deputies of the Parliament against the backdrop of the growing legislative activity of the Government.
planning legislative activities, legislative activity, the subjects of law-making, draft law, the concept of law, law.
1. Abdirov N. M. Sovershenstvovanie kachestva provedeniya ekspertizy zakonoproektov: sb. vystupleniy uchastnikov mezhdunar. «kruglogo stola». Astana, 2010.