BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
The research subject of the present article is a structural analysis of international experience in the field of transnational anticorruption by Interpol in relation to the role of National Central Bureau of Interpol of the MIA of the Russian Federation as a participant of the mentioned law enforcement agency. The purpose of the study is to define the roles, values, prospects of development and use of the potential opportunities in the field of anti-corruption relations of the state authorities and administrations, in the activities of the police community with the participation of Interpol as a leading international law enforcement organization. The research methodology is based on the basic principles of convergent cognitive processes, defined by the exact strategy of using pre-learned algorithms of solving through analysis, synthesis, induction of systematization of the studied scientific problem. The summarized constant of the study includes conclusions on the necessity of the further improvement of the main legal international instruments in the sphere of anti-corruption mentioned in scientific work, on expanding areas and ways of NCB Interpol of the MIA of the Russian Federation involvement in the development and implementation of these instruments, on global operational synchronization of the daily activities of the National Central Bureaus offices in Interpol Member States in the sphere of international, transnational and national anti-corruption. Novelty of the study is to identify the need to develop another one different level of interaction between Interpol Member States in the context of the corruption crimes globalization and coordination of joint activities of law enforcement agencies. Congruent conclusion of the study is the necessity to fix a clear mutual dependence of the effectiveness of international cooperation in combating transnational organized crime and anti-corruption by increasing the level of cooperation between Interpol Member States.
International anti-corruption acts, fight against corruption, law enforcement, international police community, Interpol, interaction, information support, coordination of police activities.
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