Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to such non-traditional and rather specific problems as the presence of professional deformations experienced by an individual who chose accounting as the main type of his activity in the society. The ongoing destruction of personality takes place against the background of acquiring the relevant knowledge, practical experience and stages in the formation of professional judgment. This article is devoted to the consideration of these questions.

positive professional deformation, negative professional deformation, personality accountant, professional judgment.

Кризисные явления в современном мире становятся для нас привычным, перманентным явлением. Однако, теоретическая модель, положенная в свое время в основу функционирования рыночной экономики, обещала миллионы новых высокотехнологичных рабочих мест, приток иностранного капитала, расцвет финансовых рынков и рост промышленного производства.


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