Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
One of the important factors limiting social and economic development of Russia is considered to be the state and efficient functioning of transport and logistic infrastructure. The creation of a modern road and transport net-work is one of the factors providing sustainable eco-nomic growth, implementation of social programs and, eventually, improvement of the quality of human life. Interaction of financial state interests and private business through mechanisms of state-private partner-ship has to become the main objective of modern Rus-sian state policy in favor of intensification process of capital investments increase in transport infrastructure. The use of such mechanism will allow carrying out projects which the state and business cannot im-plement alone. It will help to reduce social problems, will become the driving force of Russian economy, will promote the establishment of the international financial center in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to research compre-hensively the existing funding mechanism and distribu-tion of budget funds for creating transport infrastruc-ture with economic substantiation possibility of attract-ing and using non-budgetary sources.
development program, transport policy, road economy, transport infrastructure, financing, road funds, public-private partnership.
1. Official site of KU "Roadway management in Bryansk Region" [electronic resource] // Access Mode:
2. Law of the Bryansk region of 10.11.2011 No. 116-З "On road fund of the Bryansk region" (approved by the Bryansk Region Duma 27.10.2011) // Reference Legal System "Consultant Plus".
3. Order №. 59 of the Bryansk regional administration of 26 January, 2012 "On approval of the procedure for formation and use of budget assignations of the Bryansk region road fund" // Reference Legal System "Consultant Plus".
4. Order №. 664 of the Bryansk regional administration of 07.07.2008 "On the strategy of highways development in the Bryansk region for 2008 - 2015" // Reference Legal System "Consultant Plus".
5. Research paper on: "Project of automobile over bridge reconstruction through railway tracks of the Bryansk-1 station with the offered scheme of life-cycle contract" within the competition "Region science – Bryansk. 2015".