Increase of national economy efficiency in many respects depends on the effectiveness of small and medium enterprises (SME) in this connection the sys-tem of measures of state support for SME is important. In regions of the Russian Federation state pro-grams of SME support which are implemented at joint financing from the federal budget are developed. Vari-ous mechanisms of their realization are used. The questions of the state SME support realized in regions of the Russian Federation are considered. Dur-ing implementation of this program various directions and mechanisms of its implementation were used. Grantmaking to start-up entrepreneurs was the most inefficient as some of them were unprepared for obser-vance of necessary requirements of grant realization. On the basis of the analysis of the actual materials of SME development in the Bryansk region the conclusion is drawn that the most effective is the mechanism of point support in the short term. In the medium or long term it cannot be compared with the business environment formation in the region. The mechanism of point support can be one of the formation elements of the favorable business environment mechanism.
economy, small business, state support, mechanisms, indicators, region.
1. Official site of the territorial authority of Federal State Statistics Service in the Bryansk region [An electronic resource]. – Access Mode of address 20.01.2017)
2. Official site of the territorial authority of Federal State Statistics Service in the Bryansk region [An electronic resource]. – Access Mode (date of address 20.01.2017)
3. Official site of the territorial authority of Federal State Statistics Service in the Bryansk region [An electronic resource]. – Access Mode (date of address 20.01.2017)
4. Official site of the Profil magazine [An electronic resource]. – Access Mode (date of address 20.01.2017)
5. Official site of the Government of the Bryansk region [An electronic resource]. – Access Mode (date of address 20.01.2017).