Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this work consists in the presenta-tion of the results in the theoretical generalization of management problem in the organization system of "enterprise-college" and also in solving a problem of retraining cost minimization and adaptation of young specialists in organizational system of this kind. In the paper the general approaches to solving a problem of managing the structure in the organization system "enterprise-college" are considered, and allow-ing to realize its purpose - ensuring staff quality of the industrial enterprises established by professional quali-ty standards to perform the job functions depending on a type of professional activity by means of development and realization of assessment mechanisms of formation level of competence system of university graduates and competitive selection of young specialists according to their system for replacement of the vacant positions which are available on the enterprises. In the course of the investigation the methods of a system analysis, comparison, target setting and objects modeling were used. As a result of the research the classification of management tasks of the structure in the organizational system "enterprise-college" is developed; mathematical model of retraining cost minimization and adaptation of young specialists hired to fill vacant engineering posts; prerequisites and limitations for the formation and subsequent growth of the organizational system "enterprise-college" are identified. Conclusions. The search for solutions to manage-ment problem in the organization system "enterprise-college" offers such options of its formation and subse-quent optimization which allow not only to minimize average specific costs for retraining and adaptation of young specialists hired by the enterprise to fill vacant posts but also to solve more complicated task - to re-duce costs for retraining and adaptation of each young specialist having an individual structural and level con-figuration of professional competences system and hired to fill a vacant engineering post of a certain type meeting the requirements of professional standards, manufacturing process management and priorities in the system of professional competences of the expert. The implementation of such "personalized" approach makes a significant contribution to the general decrease in product cost at the enterprise.

organization system, structural optimization, mechanism, quality, management, objects, model, problem, enterprise, college.
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