Increase of labor productivity problems is consi-dered. The main opportunities of implementation of the Russian President's Decree №596 of May 7, 2012 "On the long-term state economic policy" made towards improving labor productivity are analyzed, the main problems are identified. Using calculations based on "Long-term plan for social and economic development in the Russian Federation until 2030" it is shown that achievement of necessary growth of productivity at preservation of the current technological level is almost impossible, and growth of productivity is based more now on decreasing of the number of working population. The calculated advance coefficient of the coun-try’s economy as a whole and for the processing pro-duction has made it possible to analyze the size of the possible economy of means received as a result of la-bor productivity increase. Labor undervaluation in the country in comparison with the western countries is a serious shortcoming. The main directions of labor productivity are shown; techniques according to which there is a possibility of increasing labor productivity within implementation of the President's Decree are presented.
industry, labor productivity, efficiency, salary.
1. Order of the Russian President № 596 of May 7, 2012 "On the long-term state economic policy ". URL: (date of address: 22.06.2016).
2. "Long-term plan for social and economic development in the Russian Federation until 2030" (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. URL: (date of address: 22.06.2016).
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