Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is dedicated to the 210th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Russia and casts light upon their genesis and development. It provides an acute insight into the key issues of US-Russian agenda within a time span of more than 200 years. Along with giving a holistic picture of the subject, the author focuses on specific cases crucial for understanding the current geopolitical juncture shaped by the interaction of the two nations. With an emphasis on differences in political culture, he outlines the important role of cross-cultural communication within the framework of the respective cases. The findings derived from the historical analysis give grounds for a certain degree of optimism in terms of further development of the relationship between the US and Russia.

US-Russia relations, history of diplomacy, Cold War, Ukrainian crisis, international communication.
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Good old frienemies

In 2017, Russia and the United States celebrate 210 years since the official establishment of their diplomatic relations. The cross-cultural communication of the two nations has an even longer history and sometimes conjures up the buzzword ‘frienemy’.


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