Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The language of Art History and the change of worldviews have always intertwined and determine each other. Art History is the entity unity of art theory, history and criticism. Art History as any academic discipline has its own subject, object and terminology. The terms of Art History, contributing to the creation of a coherent pattern of art development, have three stages in their study. The stages of the analysis of the subject-specific Art History terms coincide with the paradigm shift that requires the creation of modern research techniques. However, with its introduction the new paradigm does not change the subject of the study, but the facets of the analysis putting in the focus of academic interests new aspects that have previously been beyond the purview of scholars. The terms of Art History are either composed deliberately or develop from the lexical units of natural languages. A cognitive approach to the study of subject-specific Art History terms gives the possibility to take them as signs through which occurs the verbalization of academic concepts and creation a conceptual model of the world of art.
art history, terms, terminology, paradigms, cognitive, art, stages, art discourse, development.
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