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Abstract (English):
In this article causes stopping the social advertising development are analyzed. Specific-historical, financial, scientific and national aspects are explored. Social advertising theoretical-methodological basis development, sociological researches results reliability provision and social advertising research results supplied contents expansion offers are created. Specifics of its effect on target audience is showed and paid attention to commercialization tendency. Social advertising sphere development structural decision based on domestic and foreign experience analysis is formulated. Social advertising practice national-public variant (full time) structuring realization features, its main directions, universal offer for projects accompaniment of social advertising in various actual directions of social sphere are considered. Relationship predictable character and federal and regional levels social advertising activity creative functions contents are formulated.

social advertising, principles, factors, system, performance, quality, structure.
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Состояние социорекламной сферы в современных российских условиях можно оценить по таким критериям, как массовость и регулярность применения социальной рекламы. Две волны социологических исследований, проведенных с участием авторов в 2011 и 2014 г. в сфере здорового образа жизни, показали их недостаточный уровень.


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