Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Improving the ecological condition of water basins is closely connected with reconstruction of systems for water disposal and wastewaters treatment. Modernization of old-fashioned wastewater treatment plants, and operating cost saving is possible by means of transition to effective technological solutions, including the process of substrate anaerobic digestion with production of biogas and raw material for high-quality fertilizers. Biogas can be used in power stations for production of thermal and electrical energy required for wastewater treatment plant needs. This energy also reduces the plant’s operating cost. A scheme of a module for anaerobic digestion has been proposed, and application of utilization cogeneration gas-turbine units with an external supply of warmth to cyclic air has been justified. Optimum parameters of utilization gas-turbine units have been determined. At air temperature in front of the turbine 1190 K the compression ratio in a cycle is equal to 4,2, electric efficiency — 0,313, the general one taking into account the developed warmth — 0,872. In some cases the gas-turbine unit can be manufactured without booster fuel compressor.

wastewaters treatment, anaerobic digestion, biogas, utilization, cogeneration gas-turbine unit, optimum parameters.

1. Введение
Улучшение экологического состояния водных бассейнов в Российской Федерации тесно связано с реконструкцией городских и поселковых систем водоотведения и очистки сточных вод, большинство которых было построено в 1970–1980-е годы в соответствии с существовавшими в то время нормативными требованиями.


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