Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Cel': opredelit' chastoty genotipov i alleley polimorfnogo varianta 677S>T gena MTHFR sredi predstaviteley 2 nacional'nostey: russkih i buryat. Materialy i metody. Issledovano 399 detey i podrostkov (200 chelovek russkoy nacional'nosti, 199 – buryatskoy). V processe issledovaniya ispol'zovalis' molekulyarno-geneticheskie i statisticheskie metody. Rezul'taty. Chastota minornoy T-alleli dlya russkoy populyacii sostavila 30 %, dlya buryatskoy – 21,1 %. Mezhdu issledovannymi vyborkami vyyavleny statisticheski znachimye razlichiya rasprostranennosti T-alleli (r = 0,0041).

russkie, buryaty, genotipirovanie, MTHFR 677C>T, rasprostranennost'
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