Rubrics: REVIEW
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Abstract (English):
Predlozheny koncepciya mobil'nogo mikrobiocenoza sinbiotopa protiv patogenov i baziruyuschiesya na ney novye antimikrobnye strategii. Mobil'nost' sinbiotopa opredelyaetsya nalichiem kofunkcioniruyuschih antimikrobnyh putey, realizuemyh s uchastiem vysokomolekulyarnyh metabolitov kul'tur probioticheskih bakteriy. Novye antipatogennye strategii predpolagayut vozmozhnosti otbora pro-/sinbioticheskih shtammov i konsorciumov, produciruyuschih effektivnye fermentno-lektino-glikokon'yugatnye sistemy.

probiotiki, sinbiotiki, metabolombiotiki, antimikrobnye metabolity, lektiny, fermenty, bioplenki, mikrobiocenoz, patogeny, biotop, chelovek
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1. Alyoshkin VM, Afanasyev SS, Karaulov AV (2015). Microbiocenoses and health of a human [Mikrobiotsenozy i zdorov’e cheloveka], 107-172.

2. Vakhitov TY, Sitkin SI (2014). Conception of super organism in biology and medicine [Kontseptsiya superorganizma v biologii i meditsine]. Eksperimental’naya i klinicheskaya gastroenterologiya, (7), 72-85.

3. Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev S.S., Bayrakova AL, Lakhtin MV, Alyoshkin VA (2014). Antibiotics as selective regulating reorganizers of human eukaryotic microbiocenosis: on the example of Candida of population urogenital biotope [Antibiotiki kak selektivnye uporyadochivayushchie perestroyshchiki eukarioticheskogo mikrobiotsenoza cheloveka: na primere pula kandid populyatsionnogo urogenital’nogo biotopa]. Infektsionnye bolezni, 12 (1), 171.

4. Lakhtin MV, Afanasyev SS, Lakhtin VM, Alyoshkin VA, Karaulov AV, Alyoshkin AV (2014). Influence of probiotic bacterial lectins on relatively pathogenic and probiotic compartments of human biotope [Vliyanie lektinov probioticheskikh bakteriy na uslovno-patogennyy i probioticheskiy kompartmenty mikrobiotsenoza biotopa cheloveka]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal, 9 (2), 51-58.

5. Lakhtin MV, Afanasyev SS, Lakhtin VM, Bayrakova AL, Alyoshkin V.A. (2014). Probiotic bacterial lectins of human prevent spreading mixed fungal biofilms “Candida + Aspergillus” of mycobiota of human urogenital biotope [Lektiny probioticheskikh bakteriy cheloveka prepyatstvuyut rasprostraneniyu smeshannykh mikobioplenok “Kandidy + Aspergilly” mikobioty urogenital’nogo biotopa cheloveka]. Uspekhi meditsinskoy mikologii, (12), 34-37.

6. Lakhtin MV, Afanasyev SS, Lakhtin VM, Bayrakova AL, Karaulov AV, Afanasyev MS (2014). Molecular-cellular conception of coupled microbiocenoses of human biotope [Molekulyarno-kletochnaya kontseptsiya stseplennykh mikrotsenozov biotopa cheloveka]. Zdorov’e i obrazovanie v XXI veke, 16 (4), 43-45.

7. Lakhtin MV, Bayrakova AL, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin VA, Korsun VF (2011). Probiotic lectins of a human in protection of different human biotopes against dysbioses [Probioticheskie lektiny cheloveka v zashchite ot disbiozov v razlichnykh biotopakh cheloveka]. Prakticheskaya fitoterapiya, (1), 4-13.

8. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Alyoshkin VA, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin AV (2010). Lectins and enzymes in biology and medicine [Lektiny i fermenty v biologii i meditsine], 496.

9. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Alyoshkin VA, Afanasyev SS, Afanasyev MS, Karaulov AV (2016). New lactobacillus system of lectins and antioxidants: antifungal potential [Novaya laktobatsillyarnaya sistema lektinov i antioksidantov: protivogribkovyy potentsial]. Uspekhi meditsinskoy mikologii, (16), 150-152.

10. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin AV, Alyoshkin VA (2015). Glycoconjugate associated increase in antifungal activity of complex probiotic glycoconjugate recognition systems [ Obuslovlennoe glikokonjugatami usilenie protivogribkovogo dejstvija probioticheskih kompleksnyh glikokonjugaty-raspoznajushhih sistem]. Uspehi medicinskoj mikologii, (14), 355-357.

11. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin VA (2015). Leader microorganisms: prospects in prophylaxis and therapy [Lidernye mikroorganizmy: perspektivy dlya profilaktiki i terapii]. Zdorov’e i obrazovanie v XXI veke. Seriya Meditsina, 17 (4), 403-407.

12. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin VA (2015) Mucosal immunity against pathogens and tumors with system involvement “ Probiotic Lectins – Glycopolymers” [Mukozal’nyy immunitet protiv patogenov i opukholey s uchastiem sistemy “Lektiny probiotikov – Glikopolimery”]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (3), 63-71.

13. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin VA (2015). New glycoconjugates recognition systems in prognosis of anti-infective human interactome [ Novye glikokonyugaty-raspoznayushchie sistemy v prognozirovanii antiinfektsionnogo interaktoma cheloveka]. Zdorov’e i obrazovanie v XXI veke. Seriya Meditsina, 17 (4), 378-383.

14. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin VA (2015). Diversity of lectin systems of probiotic bacteria [Raznoobrazie lektinovykh sistem probioticheskikh bakteriy]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (5), 79-82.

15. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin VA (2015). Mucosa as a controlled sensor organ involving the system “Lectins of probiotic microorganisms – Exopolymeric substances”: Strategies against pathogens and tumors [Clizistaya kak kontroliruemyy sensornyy organ s uchastiem sistem “Lektiny probioticheskikh mikroorganizmov — Ekzopolimernye soedineniya”: strategii primeneniya protiv patogenov i opukholey]. Materialy III Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy Internet- konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem “Khimicheskaya nauka: sovremennye dostizheniya i istoricheskaya perspektiva”, 88-93.

16. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Bayrakova AL, Alyoshkin VA (2015). Biofilm formation in human biotope microbiocenosis: the model for prognostic calculations of intermicrobial relationships [ Bioplenkoobrazovanie v biotopnom mikrobiotsenoze cheloveka: model’ dlya prognosticheskikh raschetov mezhmikrobnykh vzaimosvyazey]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (3), 56-62.

17. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Bayrakova AL, Alyoshkin VA (2015). Diagnostics of communicative body of pathogenic microorganisms in the presence of lectins of human probiotic bacteria [Diagnostika kommunikatsionnogo tela patogennykh mikroorganizmov v prisutstvii lektinov probioticheskikh bakteriy cheloveka]. Klinicheskaya laboratornaya diagnostika, 60 (9), 70-71.

18. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasyev SS, Karaulov AV, Korsun VF, Alyoshkin VA (2015). Biofilms of fungi: the crucial role of initiator of assembly in prolongation of resistance and degradation [Bioplenki gribov: reshayushchaya rol’ initsiatora sborki v prolongirovanii rezistentnosti i degradatsii]. Uspekhi meditsinskoy mikologii, (14), 196-198.

19. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Bayrakova AL, Afanasyev SS (2016). Diagnostic and prognostic patterns of synergistic antifungal action of probiotic lectins and antibiotics against developing communicative body of Candida [Diagnosticheskie i prognosticheskie patterny sinergisticheskogo antigribkovogo deystviya probioticheskikh lektinov i antibiotikov protiv razvivayushchegosya kommunikatsionnogo tela kandid]. Infektsionnye bolezni, 14 (1), 158-159.

20. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Bayrakova AL, Afanasyev SS, Alyoshkin VA (2014). Multiknot conception of human biotope microbiocenosis: Network of relationships in biofilm formation processes with lactobacillus and Candida involvement [Mul’tiuzlovaya kontseptsiya mikrobiotsenoza biotopa cheloveka: set’ vzaimootnosheniy v protsessakh bioplenkoobrazovaniya, vovlekayushchikh laktobatsilly i kandidy]. Klinicheskaya laboratornaya diagnostika, 59 (9), 83.

21. Lakhtin VM, Lakhtin MV, Belikova YV, Bayrakova AL, Afanasyev SS (2014). Estimation of the metabolome coupling of biotope Lactobacillus and Candida species and strains: ways of biotope resistence increase in the presence of antibiotics [Otsenka stseplennosti metabolomov vidov i shtammov laktobatsill i kandid biotopa: puti usileniya rezistentnosti biotopa v prisutstvii antibiotikov]. Uspekhi meditsinskoy mikologii, (12), 42-45.

22. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Cherepanova YV, Alyoshkin AV, Krivoruchko EV, Agapova YV (2011). Cultivation of probiotic bacvteria in insulin syranges: regulationa and design [Kul’tivirovanie probioticheskikh bakteriy v insulinovykh shpritsakh: regulyatsiya i dizayn]. Materialy III nauchno-prakticheskoy shkoly-konferentsii molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov NIO Rospotrebnadzora “Sovremennye tekhnologii obespecheniya biologicheskoy bezopasnosti”, Obolensk, 281-284.

23. Becker KL, Ifrim DC, Quintin J, Netea MG, van de Veerdonk FL (2014). Antifungal innate immunity: recognition and inflammatory networks. Semin. Immunopathol., 37 (2), 107-116. doi: 10.1007/s00281-014-0467-z [Epub 2014 Dec 20].

24. Lakhtin M, Aleshkin V, Lakhtin V, Afanasiev S, Pozhalostina L, Pospelova V (2010). Probiotic lactobacillus and bifidobacterial lectins against Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus clinical strains: New class of pathogen biofilm destructors. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, (2), 186-196, doi: 10.1007/s12602-010-9046-3.

25. Lakhtin M, Lakhtin V, Aleshkin A, Bajrakova A, Afanasiev S, Aleshkin V (2012). Lectin systems imitating probiotics: Potential for biotechnology and medical microbiology. In: Rigobelo EC (ed.). Probiotics, 417-432.

26. Lakhtin M, Lakhtin V, Bajrakova A, Afanasiev S (2014). Calculation of the coupled system “Lactobacillus – Candida” of balanced multispecies knot of biotope network depending on biofilm forming. BIOspektrum. Issue: VAAM Conference Proceedings, 296.

27. Lakhtin VM, Lakhtin MV, Bajrakova AL, Afanasiev SS, Aleshkin VA (2013). Candida albicans: new aspects of pathogenicity, interaction to antifungals, biofilms and preventive anti-Candida strategies. In: Dietrich LA, Friedmann TS (eds.). Candida albicans: symptoms, causes and treatment options, 145-152.

28. Park SJ, Han KH, Park JY, Choi SJ, Lee KH (2014). Influence of bacterial presence on biofilm formation of Candida albicans. Yonsei Med. J., 55 (2), 449-458. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2014.55.2.449.

29. Romani L, Zelante T, Palmieri M, Napolioni V, Picciolini M, Velardi A, Aversa F, Puccetti P (2014). The crosstalk between opportunistic fungi and the mammalian host via microbiota’s metabolism. Semin Immunopathol., 7 (2), 163-171. doi: 10.1007/s00281-014-0464-2 [Epub 2014 Nov 18].

30. Sgibnev AV, Kremleva EA (2015). Vaginal protection by H2O2-producing Lactobacilli. Jundishapur. J. Microbiol. 8 (10), 22913. doi: 10.5812/jjm.22913.

31. Shenderov BA (2013). Metabiotics: novel idea or natural development of probiotic conception. Microbial Ecology in Health & Disease, 13 (24), 20399.

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