Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The interaction analysis of abrasive grain tip contact probability with the material, number, the form and length of single cuts at finishing processes of flat grinding is presented. It is shown that when passing a contact area of a blank with a disk a grain can cut material off, if it falls on one of protrusions of surface roughness, or will not cut it, if it falls on one of roughness cavities. The dependencies obtained in the work allow estimating the influence of a grinding mode and tool characteristics on the length of single cuts, defining basic parameters of a grinding process, watching regularities in the formation of micro-relief formation on the surface worked and forming its rated profile which can be obtained at the operation fulfillment. The example of the computation and formation of a theoretical profile of a surface micro-relief is shown.

grinding, abrasive grain, tool and blank interaction, material removal probability, grinding process parameters.
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