Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
For the deformation strengthening of parts like axles, pins, and bushes there is offered a method of surface plastic deformation based on blank rolling with flat plates. The method allows machining parts which do not have center holes. At transverse running a blank bending affected by transverse loading forces is excluded. With the aid of ANSYS program complex there is considered a change of a stress-strain state in cylindrical parts at transverse running. There are defined plastic and elastic cylinder deformations after loading. The distribution of residual stresses along cylinder section in the plane of vertical loading is obtained. The stress state of samples run with flat plates on equivalent stress is assessed. An efficient value of running at transverse running used as a basic parameter of surface plastic deformation is defined.
strengthening, transverse running, relative squeezing, stress-strain state, elastic-plastic deformation, cylinder.
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