Moskva, Russian Federation
The paper deals with the use of refractometry for the analysis of strongly scattering materials. The peculiarities in the interpretation of measurement results, and in particular, the simulation of attenuation factors of a flat and damped wave for the use in the equation of coupling are considered. Besides, there is investigated a degree of the influence of different parameters (concentration of particles and their parameters) upon results of experiments which will improve accuracy and reliability of experiments. The results of experiments are obtained with the aid of NPVO refractometer on strongly scattering samples with a calibrated composition. The processing of experiment results carried out with the use of Mi scattering factors and scattering factors of standing wave allows estimating in what cases it makes sense to use more complex expressions for a damped wave and in what cases may be used Mi factors.
refractometer, attenuation factor, damped wave, coupling equation.
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