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Сегодня как никогда ранее мировое сообщество раздирают противоречия. Оно находится под давлением многоголосого интернет-пространства и пребывает в растерянности и недоумении. Мы не спешим садиться за стол переговоров, чтобы слушать и понимать друг друга. А ведь именно так можно решить многие проблемы и конфликты.


1. Annushkin V.I. Khronika Yubileynoy konferentsii Ritoricheskoy assotsiatsii [Chronicle of the Jubilee Conference of the Rhetorical Association]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

2. Antropova M.Yu. Distantsionnoe obuchenie russkoy delovoy rechi v sfere turistskogo biznesa [Distance learning of Russian business speech in the sphere of tourism business]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

3. Kalmykov S.B. Sotsial’naya reklama: pochemu net massovosti i regulyarnosti? [Social advertising: why there is no mass and regularity?]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

4. Kremer I.Yu. Sotsial’nye roli v kontekste nauchnoy retsenzii i ikh lingvisticheskaya realizatsiya [Social roles in the context of scientific review and their linguistic implementation]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

5. Krylova S.V. Frantsuzskaya identichnost’ v dinamike kul’turfilosofskoy i lingvokul’turologicheskoy mysli [French identity in the dynamics of cultural philosophical and lingvokulturologicheskoy thought]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

6. Min’yar-Belorucheva A.P. Kognitivnyy aspekt izucheniya terminoviskusstvovedeniya [The Cognitive Aspect of the Study of Terminiscovery Studies]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

7. Reynkhardt R.O. SShA i Rossiya: 210 let diplomaticheskikh otnosheniy i mezhdunarodnoy kommunikatsii [USA and Russia: 210 years of diplomatic relations and international communication]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

8. Russkiy yazyk i kul’tura rechi [Russian language and culture of speech]. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2008.

9. Sergeev O.V. Kommunikativnaya funktsiya literaturnykh snovideniy v russkoy klassicheskoy literature kontsa XVIII — nachala XIX veka [Communicative function of literary dreams in the Russian classical literature of the late XVIII — early XIX century]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

10. Sergievskaya I.L. Vozmozhnosti mul’timedia dlya obucheniya audirovaniyu inoyazychnogo teksta [Multimedia capabilities for learning to listen Foreign language text]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

11. Shevchenko S.N. Osobennosti kul’turnoy adaptatsii zaimst - vovannykh frazeologizmov, soderzhashchikh leksemy poleznykh iskopaemykh, v russkom i angliyskom yazykakh [eculiarities of cultural adaptation of borrowed phraseological units containing lexemes of minerals in Russian and English]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

12. Shchekotikhina I.N. Parametry vyyavleniya priznakov stereotipnosti/ kreativnosti v kommunikativnom povedenii uchastnikov assotsiativnogo eksperimenta [Parameters for revealing signs of stereotypedness / creativity in the communicative behavior of participants in the associative experiment]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 3.

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