Kirov, Kirov, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The notion «nurses’ intercultural competence» is introduced in the article. Its compositions such as general cultural and communicative competences are defi ned according to the requirements of FSES of vocational secondary education. Pedagogical conditions of the development of future nurses’ intercultural competence, such as multicultural education environment of college and interdisciplinary connections of the humanities and professional subjects, are considered.
intercultural competence, general cultural and communicative competences, multicultural education environment, Federal State Educational Standard of Vocational Secondary Education, multiicultural educational environment, interdisciplinary connections.
Возникновение глобальных проблем в современных социальных условиях, требующих межкультурного взаимодействия и сотрудничества, актуализируют задачу формирования межнациональной культуры каждого члена общества.
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