Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article considers the problems of forming a single information space in the course of operation of the state information system of housing and communal services. Five types of information systems used in the Russian Federation by organizations for managing housing and communal services have been identified. Object-oriented analysis of the subject area «real estate management by foreign information systems» was conducted. A diagram of use cases and a class diagram using UML notation for a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign information systems are constructed. With the help of diagrams was implemented a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign information systems. It was noted the lack of marketing functions in domestic systems and insufficient development of the functions to include tenants in the management of housing and communal services.
information system, functional capabilities, common information space, housing and communal services, real estate, object-oriented methodology, UML.
Эксплуатация Государственной информационной системы (ГИС) ЖКХ пока не позволила сформировать единое информационное пространство (ЕИП) ЖКХ. Предполагалось, что будет создана «информационная вертикаль» от муниципалитетов до федеральных органов власти [2], в которой будут зарегистрированы все организации по управлению (ОУ) ЖКХ на территории России. По итогам опытной эксплуатации ГИС ЖКХ в 2016 г. выявлены следующие проблемы [3].
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