Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to justification of a new design of the disk case of a plow for the main processing of the soil on the cuttings down. Presented article contains a material according to the analysis now in use for borozdny soil preparation on the cuttings down of tools. Perspective tools on forest squares are the disk plows considerably surpassing lemeshny plows in respect of ensuring sufficient flotation ability on the cuttings down. The design of the disk case of a plow with the hyperboloidal dump, providing is offered, at sufficient flotation ability of the tool on the cuttings down, demanded quality of processing of the soil with the smallest energy consumption.

felling, primary soil processing, tillage tools, disc plough body, construction

В настоящее время основную обработку почвы на нерскорчеванных вырубках выполняют в виде нарезки плужных борозд или создания микроповышений в зонах избыточного увлажнения. Бороздную подготовку почвы на вырубках выполняют дисковыми (ПЛД-1,2, ПДП-1,2 и др) и лемешными (ПКЛ-70, ПЛП-135 и др.) плугами.


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