Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation
According to the accounting and management accounting, personnel costs are the second largest in terms of volume after material resources in the cost of goods and services. In this connection, the analysis of personnel costs and the adoption of well-founded managerial decisions for effective planning and development remain the priority for companies. The presence of only an accounting (statistical) approach to cost management does not allow you to determine the entire set of hidden costs associated with personnel management. The article compares the accounting and management approaches to the accounting and analysis of personnel costs, provides a management classification of costs for targeted and functional purposes, on the basis of which general and private HR-budgets are formed, followed by an assessment of the effectiveness of using planned costs. The lack of an administrative approach to the accounting of personnel costs in the organization leads to their substantial underestimation, to their impersonal consideration in the composition of the organization’s total expenses, which ultimately reduces the profit indicators and deforms the strategic attitudes of the organization
personnel costs, accounting of staff costs, managerial accounting of personnel costs, classification of personnel costs, cost budgeting, optimization tools, indicators of cost-effectiveness evaluation.
Стратегически важным направлением для любой организации является обеспечение ее финансовой устойчивости, которая исключительно зависит от положительной динамики показателей доходов над статьями расходов.
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5. Malichenko I.P. Optimizatsionnoe upravlenie zatratami na personal v usloviyakh ekonomicheskoy nestabil’nosti [Optimized management of personnel costs in conditions of economic instability]. Obshchestvo: politika, ekonomika, pravo [Society: politics, economics, law]. 2016, I. 11, pp. 72–75.
6. Malichenko I.P. Razrabotka HR-byudzheta kak klyuchevaya kompetentsiya sovremennogo menedzhera po upravleniyu personalom [Development of the HR budget as a key competence of the modern HR manager]. Upravlenie personalom i intellektual’nymi resursami v Rossii [Human Resources and Intellectual Resources Management in Russia]. 2016, I. 5(26), pp. 44–52.
7. Malichenko I.P., Bortnik E.M., Luginin O.E. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskaya statistika s resheniem tipovykh zadach [Socioeconomic statistics with the solution of typical problems]. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks Publ., 2010. 320 p.
8. Mikhalkina E.V., Skachkova L.S., Kostenko E.P., Butova S.V., Malichenko I.P., Nesolenaya O.V. Motivatsiya, stimulirovanie i oplata truda [Motivation, incentives and remuneration]. Rostovon- Don: Yuzhniy federal’niy universitet Publ. 380 p.
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