Russian Federation
GRNTI 67.11 Строительные конструкции
BBK 304 Конструкции
TBK 5414 Строительные конструкции
Priveden analiticheskiy raschet deformacii arochnoy fermy, imeyuschey dve opory, odna iz kotoryh nepodvizhna, drugaya – podvizhna. Ferma ravnomerno nagruzhena po verhnemu poyasu. Dlya opredeleniya usiliy v sterzhnyah metodom vyrezaniya uzlov ispol'zovalas' sistema komp'yuternoy matematiki Maple. S pomosch'yu metoda indukcii bylo polucheno reshenie v simvol'noy forme dlya proizvol'nyh chisla paneley, geometricheskih harakteristik fermy, zhestkosti poyasov i nagruzki. Teoreticheskoy osnovoy dlya rascheta progiba yavlyaetsya formula Maksvella- Mora.
Ferma, progib, deformaciya, indukciya, Maple, formula.
1. Kirsanov M.N. Maple and Maplet. Reshenie problem mehanici [Solving problems of mechanics], Saint-Peterburg Lan Publ., 2012, 512 p. (in Russian)
2. Kirsanov M.N. Analytical calculation of a regular beam truss with an arbitrary number of panels with a complex lattice // Stroitelnaja mehanika i raschet sooruzhenij [Construction mechanics and calculation of structures], 2016, no. 3, pp. 16-19. (in Russian)
3. Kirsanov M.N. Analytical calculation of multi-lattice truss // Stroitelnaja mehanika i raschet sooruzhenij [Construction mechanics and calculation of structures], 2014, no. 6, pp. 2-6. (in Russian)
4. Kirsanov M.N. Analysis of the deflection of a lattice girder truss of a spacer type // Inzhenerno– stroitelnyj zhurnal [Magazine of Civil Engineering], 2015, no. 5, pp. 58-65, DOI: 10.586/MCE.57.5. (in Russian)
5. Kirsanov M.N. An analytical expression for the deflection of a truss girder with a complex lattice // Stroitelnaja mehanika i raschet sooruzhenij [Construction mechanics and calculation of structures], 2016, no. 12, pp. 19-24. (in Russian)
6. Kirsanov M.N. A comparative stiffness analysis of two schemes arched truss// Stroitelstvo unikal'nyh zdanij i sooruzhenij [Construction of unique buildings and structures], 2015, no. 9, pp. 44-55.(in Russia)
7. Kirsanov M.N. The hidden feature and asymptotic properties of one flat beam truss // Stroitelnaja mehanika i raschet sooruzhenij [Construction mechanics and calculation of structures], 2014, no. 4, pp. 9-13.
8. Kirsanov M.N. Analytical calculation, marginal and comparative analysis of a flat girder // Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Construction and Architecture, 2016, no.1, pp. 84–105.
9. Kruzhkov E.P. The horizontal offset supports of flat arched truss with a triangular lattice depending on the number of panels and the redistribution of the areas of the rods / / Vestnik nauchnyh konferencyi [Bulletin of scientific conferences], 2015, no. 4-1(4), pp. 90-91, DOI: 10.17117/na.2016.06.02.247. (in Russian)
10. Polyakov V.K. The formula for the horizontal displacement of the support of the unrestricted arched truss under the action of uniform load over the upper belt // Aktualnye voprosy v nauchnoj rabote i obrazovatelnoj dejatelnosti [Actual questions in scientific work and educational activities], Tambov, 2015, vol. 10, pp. 98-99. (in Russian)
11. Savinykh A.S. The formula to calculate the displacement of the movable support of flat statically determinate truss //Science Almanac. 2016. N 9-2(23). pp. 46-49. DOI: 10.17117/na.2016.09.02.046 (in Russian)
12. Kirsanov M.N. Deflection analysis of rectangular spatial coverage truss // Inzhenerno– stroitelnyj zhurnal [Magazine of Civil Engineering], 2015, no. 1, pp. 32-38, DOI: 10.5862/MCE.53.4 (in Russian)
13. Kirsanov M.N. Analysis of the effect of elastic deformation of the mast on the positioning of antenna and radar equipment// Inzhenerno– stroitelnyj zhurnal [Magazine of Civil Engineering], 2013, no. 5, pp. 52-58, DOI: 10.5862/MCE.40.6. (in Russian)
14. Kirsanov M.N. Static calculation and analysis of spatial rod system// Inzhenerno– stroitelnyj zhurnal [Magazine of Civil Engineering], 2011, no. 6, pp. 28-34. DOI: 10.5862/MCE.24.1 (in Russian)
15. Kirsanov M.N. Analytical calculation of a spatial bar-shaped regular structure with a flat face // Stroitelnaja mehanika i raschet sooruzhenij [Construction mechanics and calculation of structures], 2015, no. 2, pp. 2-6. (in Russian)