Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
The results of scientific research works carried out jointly with OC “Perm Motor Works” and OC “Aviation Engine” on investigations, development and application of new innovation technological processes of the critical parts production for modern and future-technology gas turbine engines (GTE) of types PS90 2A, PD14, PD35 with the purpose to increase productivity, quality and life of their operation are shown.
disks, blades, thread, speed drawing, deep grinding, burnishing, strengthening, balancing, quality, fatigue resistance.
1. Makarov, А.D. Cutting Process Optimization. ‒ М.: Mechanical Engineering, 1976. ‒ pp. 278.
2. Makarov, V.F. Optimization of Hard-to-Machine Material Drawing: Monograph. – Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. – pp. 440.
3. Makarov, V.F., Petukhov, G.D. Combined structures development of drawing tool for speed drawing of hard-to-machine blade butts // Assembly in Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Making. ‒ 2015. ‒ № 10(183). ‒ pp. 23‒31.
4. Makarov, V.F., Pepelyshev, А.V. Form accuracy in-crease during flat surface milling as a result of path parameters optimization // Reference Book. Engineering Journal. – 2015 г. ‒ № 3 (216). ‒ pp. 6‒ 9.
5. Makarov, V.F., Koinov, I.I., Abzayev, R.S., Shirinkin, V.V., Meshkas, А.Е. Diagnostics peculiarities of cutting process during composites drilling // Science Intensive Tech-nologies in Mechanical Engineering. ‒ 2016. ‒ № 12(66). ‒ pp. 20‒27.
6. Makarov, V.F, Nikitin, S.P., Norin, А.О. Quality and productivity increase during deep profile blade grinding // Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. – 2016. –№ 5(59). – pp. 17–24.
7. Makarov V.F., Vinogradov A.V. Automated polishing of sharp edges on gas-turbine components by abrasive polymer brushes. Russian Engineering Research New York: Allenton Press. 2012, 32, № 1, рp. 102–107.
8. Makarov, V.F., Gorbunov, A.S., Vorozhcova, N.A. Formirovanie parametrov kachestva poverhnostnogo sloya zub'ev spiral'no-konicheskih shesteren s uchetom vliyaniya tehnologicheskoy nasledstvennosti // Naukoemkie tehnologii v mashinostroenii. – 2015. – №4. ‒ S. 40‒47.
9. Pesin, М.V., Makarov, V.F., Ashikhmin, V.N. Scientifically reasonable design of technological process of threaded surface strengthening in drill pipes // Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. – 2013. – № 11(29). – pp. 42– 48.
10. Makarov, V.F., Gorbunov, А.S., Vorozhtsova, N.А. Quality parameter formation in surface layers of spiral bevel gear teeth taking into account technological heredity impact // Science intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering. – 2015. – №4(34). ‒ pp. 40‒47.