Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of research is to estimate influence of vegetable oils (10%) by its use for quality of tribology properties of diesel fuel. The technique and results of basic researches of antiwear properties of mixed fuel with additive of vegetable oils (mustard, linseed and rape) are given. Researches were conducted by means of universal tribometer of the TU type with four-ball frictional unit. Concentration of vegetable oils in fuel are changed from 0 to 10% on volume with 2% step. Loading, frequency of spindle rotation and material of frictional unit details didn't change. For example researches showed that by of mustard oil of 2% concentration on volume the average diameter of a spot of wear decreased by 29% (with 0.258 when using diesel fuel without additives to 0.183 mm at addition of 2% of mustard oil). At concentration of mustard oil of 4% the average diameter of a spot of wear decreased by 35.4% of the initial. At further increase in concentration of mustard oil (6, 8 and 10% on volume) decrease in diameter of a spot of wear made respectively 37.3%, 40% and 43%. In case of use of linseed and rape oil similar regularities are observed. It is established that for substantial increase the tribology properties of diesel fuel is enough to enter into its structure 2-4% of vegetable oils on volume. The further increase in concentration of antiwear additive of considerable effect doesn't give, but use the mixed fuels with the content of vegetable oils to 30% on volume is rational from the point of view of economy of fuels of an oil origin.

fuel, component, vegetable, additive, properties, tribological
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