Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article deals with the basic principles and rules of discourse eastern negotiation, you need to know to effectively manage the communication process in the countries of the East. The author notes that the political communication in the East have a bright national specifics, here specific relation to time and space, the culture and traditions. Of particular importance are high context negotiation communication, a high content of non-verbal signs, indirect communication style, expressed the emphasis on personal connections and relations, underlined the value status. Despite the fact that the East is represented by a variety of national cultures, its system of political communications is woven from a large number of original negotiating practices, we can talk about the features of the eastern negotiating culture in general, because some of the important principles of communication common to most Eastern cultures. The article substantiates the conclusion that the basic characteristics of the eastern negotiating culture significantly different from the Russian and Western, but the sociocultural barriers can be overcome, if we pay attention to the basic rules of discourse eastern and eastern wisdom.
intercultural communication, political communication, oriental culture of negotiation, negotiation discourse, socio-cultural barriers.Russia’s turn to the East: specifics of political intercultural communication.
Поворот России на Восток, где бьется бешеный пульс стремительно развивающихся азиатских рынков, сделал весьма актуальным исследование особенностей восточного переговорного дискурса. Сегодня овладение восточными переговорными практиками становится ключевой задачей для отечественной политической и экономической элиты.
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