Russian Federation
The article reveals the reasons, by virtue of which the words “religion” and “faith”, as well as the words “a believer” and “a religious person, which were in the recent past complete synonyms, have acquired various meanings in the modern world. It is proved that among the main reasons can be called a change of mental ages (civilizations). For today the bulk of humanity is in the stage of transition from religious mental civilizations (paganism and monotheism) to a scientific worldview.
religion, faith, a believer, a man of religion, mental civilizations, paganism, monotheism, a scientific worldview.
Перед данной статьей мы поставили цель показать, что словосочетания «человек верующий» и «человек религиозный», выступавшие до недавнего времени в русском языке в качестве полных синонимов, в последние десятилетия в связи с процессами смены ментальных цивилизаций приобрели совершенно разные смысловые значения.
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