Center for General Cultural Competences of Educators, Institute of Open Education (Department of Aesthetic Education and Culturology, Lecturer)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Integrated approaches in the pedagogy of general and pre-professional music education are quite in demand. Historically, an integrated approach is used throughout the educational fi eld of “art”. This article describes a new approach to the use of integration in choral classes in pre-professional education of children, which is the most eff ective and optimizing the process of vocal-choral learning. In the class on choral singing, integration is represented both by polygamousness and kinesthetics. Kinesthetic method of work in particular promotes a deeper understanding of the fundamental aspects and principles of choral singing in a children’s collective.
integration, integrated approach, kinesthetic approach, kinesthetic, choral singing, younger students, voice training.
Введение интеграции в систему школьной практики преподавания предметов эстетического цикла предоставляет учителю и ученикам широкое поле для творчества.
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