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С каждым номером журнала расширяется и усложняется понимание авторами статей сути коммуникативных проблем. Причем некоторые новые публикации навеяны нетрадиционными подходами, реализованными в исследованиях предыдущих выпусков журнала, изложенными представителями разных наук.
1. Bruks E.E. Klyuchevye printsipy pedagogiki v kontekste sovremennogo vysshego obrazovaniya [Key principles of pedagogy in the context of modern higher education]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
2. Vasilenko I.A. Osobennosti politicheskikh kommunikatsiy na Vostoke: problema preodoleniya sotsiokul’turnykh bar’erov [Features of political communications in the East: the problem of overcoming socio-cultural barriers]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
3. Goncharova L.M. Gumanitarnye tekhnologii v sovremennom mire [Humanitarian technologies in the modern world]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
4. Kameneva N.A. Pis’mennaya i ustnaya kommunikatsiya v angloyazychnom Internet-prostranstve [Written and oral communication in English Internet space]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
5. Kargin N.N. Problemy topologii i indeksatsii mezhnatsional’nykh kommunikatsiy, vyzyvayushchikh neadekvatnoe povedenie [Problems of topology and indexation of interethnic communications that cause inadequate behavior]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
6. Ko En Chol’. Izuchenie osobennostey koreyskikh i slavyanskikh mifov ob obrazovanii gosudarstva [Studying the peculiarities of the Korean and Slavic myths about the formation of the state]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
7. Mikhal’chevskiy E.A. Problema identifikatsii radikal’nogo sub”ekta v filosofii postmoderna. Kommunikativnyy aspekt [The problem of identifying a radical subject in the philosophy of postmodernity. Communicative aspect]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
8. Oganesyan S.S. «Chelovek veruyushchiy» i «chelovek religioznyy» — raznye ponyatiya sovremennoy mental’noy epokhi [“A man of faith” and “a man of religion” are dif ferent concepts of the modern mental age]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
9. Polonskaya O.Yu. Kontsept PRIDE: aktualizatsiya v khudozhestvennoy rechi [The concept of PRIDE: actualization in artistic speech]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
10. Rashchupkina K.S Kooperativnaya strategiya «odobreniya» v ramkakh strategii samoprezentatsii v uchebnom diskurse [Cooperative strategy of “approval” within the strategy of selfpresentation in the educational discourse]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
11. Selemenova O.A. Tipichnye oshibki v pis’mennykh tekstakh delovoy kommunikatsii pri narushenii yazykovykh norm [Typical mistakes in written texts of business communication in violation of language norms]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
12. Serafimova V.D. «Moskovskie skazki» A.A. Kabakova v kontekste ego prozy. Poetika. Kontsept cheloveka [“Moscow Tales” by A.A. Kabakov in the context of his prose. Poetics. The concept of man]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.
13. Shepeleva I.M. Zaimstvovaniya kak odin iz rychagov kommunikatsii i vzaimoproniknoveniya kul’tur [Borrowings as one of the levers of communication and interpenetration of cultures]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicative science]. 2017, I. 4.