BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
Relatively new type of business activity on apartment house management, which carry out the managing organizations, is on the hard way of development in present time. Numerous violations and crimes in this sphere are becoming more intellectual in nature. In some foreign countries the Association of homeowners (condominiums) is an analogue of our homeowners associations and the Institute of management of apartment houses has a long history. The author carried out the analysis of the main types of fraud in the apartment house management in the United States of America. Such acts include embezzlement (theft) of funds, violation of business law, falsification of the elections to the Board of the Association of owners of property, kickbacks in contracting, fictitious contracts. The main attention was focused on the specifics of the criminal-legal regulation of liability for fraudulent acts in the management of condominiums on the example of the criminal law of the State of California and certain judicial decisions. In particular, the influence of Anglo-Saxon legal system has found the expression in the fact that the criteria for recognition of the person guilty of embezzlement (embezzlement) of funds of owners of property determined by case law, not criminal law. The author has studied the positive experience of the counteraction of irregularities in the activities of the apartment house management by establishing the criminal prohibitions of the concealment or distortion of information on the financial status of the managing organization or condominium. Study of the foreign experience of the classification of crime, counteraction of financial violations in the sphere of apartment building management and reparations for victims of financial crimes will be useful for the scientific understanding of the problem of combating crimes in the sphere of apartment house management in our country.
fraud, embezzlement (theft), falsification of elections, homeowners, foreign experience.
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