BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
In the article contains the analysis of functions of the CIS Economic Court, identifies the purpose of its activities and the tasks with reference to specific judicial practice of the Court. The author recalls that the CIS Economic Court is a Commonwealth statutory authority under the section VI of the Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The article contains a critical analysis of publications of legal scholars in the field of international judicial activities, expressed opinions concerning the purpose of creation of the CIS Economic Court, the object of its activities, the subjects entitled to appeal to the Court and interested in its existence. Also the author has paid an attention to the Plenum of the CIS Economic Court as the authority to take into account the degree of development of the law in the context of the integration process in the CIS, giving the States the opportunity to participate in the CIS bodies in the format, which is convenient in present moment, taking into account multi-level and multi-speed integration of the republics. The article presents statistics supporting the growth of economic links between the member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States since 2000 to the present, and the growth of the number of cases considered by the CIS Economic Court. The article also contains the statistical data which are indicating a significant increase in the number of applying to the Court for clarification of the Agreements concluded within the Commonwealth and affect their rights in the sphere of social and labor relations. The article gives not only insight into the history of the creation of the CIS Economic Court, but also identify the ways to improve its activities by expanding the subject matter of cases, increasing the number of entities eligible to appeal to Court, the vesting of such right a number of associations representing the interests of legal entities and citizens.
Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS Economic Court, powers of the CIS Court, reorganization of the CIS Court.
No data
1. No data