Yaroslavl', Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the identification of qualitative changes in the labor factor of production in the conditions of the formation of the information society. Based on the analysis of changes in the economy over the past half century, the modification of the nature of labor towards its intellectualization and informationization has been considered.The new role of the labor factor of production and the formation of human capital are justified. The latter is treated as the capitalized value of labor force, as a socio-economic form of the human factor.
labor factor of production, information society, property relations, human capital.
Данное исследование посвящено выявлению качественных изменений в трудовом факторе производства (либо обоснованию их отсутствия) в условиях зарождения общества, идущего на смену индустриальному.
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