Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the issues of state and collective-contractual salary regulation, as the most important indicators of the sustainability of the socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation. The basic proportions in remuneration of labour in Russia and tendencies of their change in the light of their influence on the stability of the development of regions, the well-being of the population are analysed. The relationship between low size and wage imbalances and the scale of population poverty and social inequality is shown. The methods and instruments of regulation are described, the use of which would contribute to the creation of economic and organizational conditions for the formation of fair and decent wages. The territorial features of the ratio of wages and the value of the subsistence minimum are presented as an indicator of the differentiation of regions in terms of the standard of living of the population.

wages, state regulation, collective-contractual regulation, differences in wages, economic stability, poverty and social inequality.

Одним из важнейших индикаторов устойчивого развития экономики является социальное развитие общества, в том числе воспроизводство человеческих ресурсов, уровень жизни населения, его доходы, заработная плата. От их состояния зависит жизнедеятельность людей, населяющих огромные пространства России.


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