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Abstract (English):
Personal savings remain the one of the significant and stable sources of the longterm resource base of the banking sector organizations of any country. The demand for banking services among the population as owners of savings, according to economic laws, is in direct relationship and expands as the scale of industrial and exchange relations in the economy increases. Simultaneously, among the population there is also a certain set of factors that trigger the process of the inflow of savings into bank deposits. At the stages of economic growth and recession, the population forms the most active accumulations, but these processes are associated with different driving causes. The article gives an opinion on reducing the population's estimates of the factors determining the propensity to save in the Russian economy. In 2014-2015, the investment behavior of the Russian population was oriented to accumulation of savings that was associated with a significant deterioration in the economic situation and a lack of understanding about the future prospects of economic development. But today the model of investment behavior is gradual changing, and the growth rate of savings on banks' deposits has slowed significantly. The article draws conclusions about the significant investment potential of the Russian population. The authors characterize the trends in the individual savings behavior and the problems of attracting savings to the banking sector taking place in recent years in the Russian Feder-ation.

personal savings banking sector, individual investment behav-ior, savings model
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