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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to theoretical issues of success of confectionery business. It examines the factors affecting the process of economic activity of the confectionery enterprise. Sweets are a source of taste pleasure and positive emotions and for most consumers become a vital product. In the modern world a tea culture with sweets is widely developed, therefore confectionery business will always be quite promising. The business "with a sweet taste" has a lot of manifestations, but at the present time the tendency of development of such enterprises as cafe-confectioneries is obvious. Cafe-confectionery is a public catering enterprise that specializes in selling with consumption in its own accommodation a wide range of different types of confectionery products. The authors note, that in order to meet the client's expectations, the confectionery company should be able to navigate the market, know the wishes of consumers, effectively organize their production and serve the guests so that they return again. Modern confectionery business is riddled with service subtleties, special importance is the identification of the needs of its client. The need for sweets for modern people is becoming so natural that many people do not see their daily meals without confectionery. Each person satisfies the need for sweet, based on their preferences, as well as financial opportunities. There are many success factors; complex interaction of these factors among themselves will ensure a high demand for products, and hence the success of the café-confectionery. The article highlights groups of factors: organization of production, customer service, marketing and management. The authors analyze each group in detail, and gives an appropriate description of each success factor of the confectionery business.

Success factors, Confectionery business, Cafe-confectionery, confectionery
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