Russian Federation
This paper presents a new method of dissolved air flotation with spraying of liquid. Liquid that needs cleaning is sprayed inside an overhead reservoir through a hydraulic nozzle allowing to enlarge the contact area between phases in comparison with traditional method of saturation by barbotage. Suggested method makes it possible to increase the gas content of the liquid processed for cleaning into a flotation section. This paper also contains the results of experimental investigation of the effectiveness of liquid saturation inside the overhead reservoir using spray-centrifugal and spray-percussive nozzles. Volumetric method was used to measure the amount of air escaping during dissolved air flotation and the results of the measurement were used to calculate the speed of barbotage. It was identified that when the method of spraying of liquid is applied, the amount of soluble air increases on average by 33% in comparison with overhead reservoir of bubbling type. The speed of barbotage increases with growth of saturation pressure and significantly depends on the area of the flotation section. If the saturation pressure exceeds 2 bars, the speed of barbotage in the center of the flotation cell becomes significantly higher than in the wall area.
flotator, dispersion, air bubble, treatment, waste water, petrochemical products, oil, saturator.
1. Введение
В России 2017 г. объявлен годом экологии [1]. Для охраны водных ресурсов Правительство Российской Федерации разработало мероприятия [2], которые включают строительство и реконструкцию очистных сооружений различных промышленных пред-
приятий, увеличение доли оборотного водопользования и др.
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