Federal Educational and MethodologicalAssociation in the System of Higher Education «Technospheric Safety and Environmental Management» ( Associate Professor)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet imeni N.E. Baumana ( docent)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The project of the updated federal state educational standard of the master’s degree in the direction of «Technosphere Safety», updated in accordance with existing professional standards, is presented. The standard is submitted for approval to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The features and problems of training of master’s degree specialists are considered. It is proposed to create the list of master’s degree educational programs. At the same time, it is necessary to complicate the procedure for introducing new educational programs into educational practice by introducing the requirements to justify the impossibility of training personnel with new professional competencies within the framework of the variable part of already implemented programs.
higher education, educational standards, professional standards, labor functions, fields of activity, educational programs, master’s degree program.
1. Особенности и проблемы подготовки кадров в магистратуре
В [1] представлен проект актуализированного федерального государственного образовательного стандарта бакалавриата по направлению «Техносферная безопасность» и рассмотрены проблемы реализации стандартов ввиду отсутствия в них содержательной части образовательной программы, что обусловливает риск потерять единство образовательного пространства.
1. Devisilov V. A., Simakova E. N. Aktualizatsiya obrazovatel’nykh standartov po napravleniyu «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnost’»: proekty standartov i problemy ikh realizatsii [Actualization of educational standards in the direction of “Technosphere security”: draft standards and problems of their implementation]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2017, V. 6, I. 1, pp. 66–79. (in Russian). DOI: 10.12737/article_59019f492dbe47.31724295
2. Aleksandrov A. A., Devisilov V. A., Simakova E. N. Proekty Federal’nykh gosudarstvennykh obrazovatel’nykh standartov vysshego obrazovaniya po napravleniyu «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnost’» [Projects of Federal state educational standards of higher education in the direction “Technospheric security”]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2013, V. 2, I. 4, pp. 49–70. (in Russian). DOI: 10.12737
3. Devisilov V. A., Pavlikhin G. P. Primernaya osnovnaya obrazovatel’naya programma vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya po napravleniyu 280700 «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnst’» [Approximate basic educational program of higher professional education in the direction 280700 “Technosphere security”]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2011, I. 3, pp. 50–64. (in Russian)
4. Devisilov V. A. Printsipy postroeniya obrazovatel’nykh programm i tekhnologii obucheniya napravleniyu «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnost’» [Principles of the construction of educational programs and technology training to the direction “Technosphere security”]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2010, I. 6, pp. 54–57. (in Russian)
5. Devisilov V. A. Standarty vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya kompetentnostnogo formata: voprosy struktury i soderzhaniya [Standards of higher professional education of the competence format: questions of structure and content]. Vysshee obrazovanie segodnya [Higher education today]. 2013, I. 9, p. 18. (in Russian)
6. Devisilov V. A. Gosudarstvennye standarty podgotovki vysshikh professional’nykh kadrov v oblasti bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel’nosti i zashchity okruzhayushchey sredy [State Standards of Training of Higher Professional Personnel in the Field of Life Safety and Environmental Protection]. Ekologiya i promyshlennost’ Rossii [Safety in the technosphere]. 2000, I. 7, p. 4. (in Russian)