Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Simbioticheskie (probioticheskie) lektiny rassmotreny kak imitiruyuschie simbiotiki (probiotiki) metabolombiotiki (s deystviem «set'-na-set'»), nositeli i dostavschiki glikokon'yugatnyh metabiotikov (prebiotikov, terapevticheskih agentov, antigenov; naborov dekorov normal'no funkcioniruyuschih tkaney i organov. Anaerobnye preparaty probioticheskih lektinov perspektivny v kachestve sistem podderzhki zaschitnyh sistem cheloveka. Simbioticheskie lektiny otkryvayut novye puti otbora shtammov i ih konsorciumov dlya konstruirovaniya probiotikov.
glikokon'yugaty, lektinovye sistemy, probiotiki, simbiotiki, konsorciumy, zaschita organizma, bifidobakterii, laktobacilly, drozhzhepodobnye griby, grampolozhitel'nye bakterii
1. Lakhtin MV, Bajrakova AL, Lakhtin VM, Afanasiev SS, Aleshkin VA. (2012). Probiotic lectins – a new class of signal molecules of Quorum Sensing [Lektiny probiotikov – novyy klass signal’nykh molekul chuvstva kvoruma]. Klinicheskaya laboratornaya diagnostika, 57 (9), 82-83.
2. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Aleshkin VA, Afanasiev SS, Aleshkin AV. (2010). Lectins and enzymes in biology and medicine [Lektiny i fermenty v biologii i meditsine]. Moskva, 496 p.
3. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Aleshkin VA, Afanasiev SS, Pozhalostina LV, Pospelova VV, Korsun VF. (2010). Phytoand probiotic lectins – synergistic antipathogens [Fito-i probioticheskie lektiny – sinergichnye antipatogeny]. Prakticheskaya fitoterapiya, (1), 5-11.
4. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasiev SS, Aleshkin VA. (2015). Relationships between complement systems, Tolllike receptors, CD-antigens and cytokines under normal and upon pathological conditions. Review [Vzaimootnosheniya sistem komplementa, Toll-podobnykh retseptorov, CD-antigenov i tsitokinov v norme i pri patologiyakh. Obzor]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (6), 62-66.
5. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasiev SS, Aleshkin VA. (2015). Mucosal immunity against pathogens and tumors involving “Probiotic lectins – glycopolymers” system [Mukozal’nyy immunitet protiv patogenov i opukholey s uchastiem sistemy «Lektiny probiotikov – glikopolimery»]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (3), 63-71.
6. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasiev SS, Bajrakova AL, Karaulov AV, Afanasiev MS, Aleshkin VA. (2016). Mobile synbiotope microbiocenosis against pathogens [Mobil’nyy sinbiotopnyy mikrobiotsenoz protiv patogenov]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (3-2), 168-173.
7. Lakhtin M, Aleshkin V, Lakhtin V, Afanasiev S, Pozhalostina L, Pospelova V. (2010). Probiotic lactobacillus and bifidobacterial lectins against Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus clinical strains: new class of pathogen biofilm destructors. Probiotics Antimicrob. Proteins, 2 (3), 186-196. doi: 10.1007/s12602-010-9046-3.
8. Lakhtin MV, Lakhtin VM, Afanasiev SS, Aleshkin VA. (2016). Mucosal opened cavities as the organ of increased resistance and effectiveness. J. Adv. Biol. Biotech., 10 (3), 1-10. Doi:
9. Lakhtin M, Lakhtin V, Afanasiev S, Bajrakova A, Aleshkin V, Afanasiev MS, Karaulov AV, Korsun V. (2014). Human healthy status supported by probiotic systems recognizing glycoconjugates: one more strategy of supporting healthy biotope. European Science and Technology: Materials of the IX International Research and Practice Conference (Munich, Dec. 24–25th), 414-422.
10. Lakhtin M, Lakhtin V, Aleshkin V, Afanasiev S. (2011). Lectins of beneficial microbes: system organization, functioning and functional superfamily. Beneficial Microbes, 2 (2), 155-165. doi:
11. Lakhtin M, Lakhtin V, Aleshkin A, Bajrakova A, Afanasiev S, Aleshkin V. (2012). Lectin systems imitating probiotics: potential for biotechnology and medical microbiology. Probiotics. New York, 417–432.
12. Lakhtin VM, Lakhtin MV, Bajrakova AL, Afanasiev SS. (2013). Candida albicans: new aspects of patogenicity, interaction to antifungals, biofilms and preventive anti-Candida strategies – the overview of own works. Candida Albicans: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options. New York, 145-152.