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Abstract (English):
Literaturnyy obzor posvyaschen obobscheniyu i analizu otechestvennyh i zarubezhnyh pechatnyh rabot, opisyvayuschih vliyanie okislitel'nogo stressa na muzhskuyu fertil'nost'. Naibolee chastoy prichinoy razvitiya okislitel'nogo stressa v reproduktivnoy sisteme muzhchin yavlyayutsya infekcionno- vospalitel'nye zabolevaniya i antispermal'nye autoimmunnye processy v muzhskom urogenital'nom trakte. Uchityvaya vozmozhnoe uchastie svobodnoradikal'nyh processov v razvitii patospermii, priem antioksidantov celesoobrazen vo vseh sluchayah muzhskogo besplodiya, svyazannogo s okislitel'nym stressom.

okislitel'nyy stress, aktivnye formy kisloroda, muzhskaya infertil'nost', antioksidant
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1. Antonov MP, Zhigulina VV. (2012). Influence of biochemical changes in sperm and seminal plasma lipids on the ejaculate fertility [Vliyanie biokhimicheskikh izmeneniy lipidov spermatozoidov i spermoplazmy na fertil’nost’ eyakulyata]. Verkhnevolzhskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal, (3), 47-50.

2. Apolikhin OI, Sivkov AV, Moskaleva NG, Solntseva TV, Komarova VA. (2010). Analysis uronephrological morbidity in the Russian Federation according to official statistics [Analiz uronefrologicheskoy zabolevaemosti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii po dannym ofitsial’noy statistiki]. Eksperimental’naya i klinicheskaya urologiya, (1), 4-11.

3. Belenkaya LV, Kolesnikova LI, Sholokhov LF, Suturina LV, Dolgikh MI, Vlasov BY. (2010). Particularities of lipid peroxidation – antioxidant system in patients with sperm pathology in combination with with type I diabetes [Osobennosti sostoyaniya sistemy perekisnogo okisleniya lipidov i antiokislitel’noy zashchity u bol’nykh s patospermiey v sochetanii s sakharnym diabetom I tipa]. Byulleten’ SO RAMN, (1), 95-98.

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8. Galimova EF, Farkhutdinov RR, Galimov SM, Gizatullin TR. (2010). Influence of extreme factors on male reproductive system [Vliyanie ekstremal’nykh faktorov na muzhskuyu reproduktivnuyu sistemu]. Problemy reproduktsii, (4), 60-65.

9. Gromenko DS, Farkhutdinov RR, Galimov SN. (2006). Production of reactive oxygen species by sperm in the pathogenesis of male infertility [Generatsiya aktivnykh form kisloroda spermatozoidami v patogeneze muzhskogo besplodiya]. Efferentnaya terapiya, (1), 28-32.

10. Zhabin SG, Artifeksov SB, Nagaytsev VM. (2010). Modern views on the sperm maturation in epididymis [Sovremennye predstavleniya o sozrevanii spermatozoidov v pridatke yaichka]. Problemy reproduktsii, (2), 66-73.

11. Kambachokova ZA. (2011). Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense in patients with recurrent genital herpes [Sostoyanie protsessov perekisnogo okisleniya i atioksidantonoy zashchity u bol’nykh retsidiviruyushchim genital’nym gerpesom]. Zhurnal infektologii, (2), 12-14.

12. Koshmelev AA, Khyshiktuev BS, Tereshkov PP. (2012). Some parameters of peroxidation status of seminal plasma in men with impaired fertility [Nekotorye parametry perekisnogo statusa spermoplazmy u muzhchin s narusheniem fertil’nosti]. Zabaykal’skiy meditsinskiy vestnik, (1), 46-50.

13. Lutskiy DL, Makhmudov RM, Lutskaya AM. (2011). Analysis of ejaculate and its components in the diagnostics of inflammatory diseases of male reproductive system: prostatosome enzymes [Issledovanie eyakulyata i ego komponentov v diagnostike vospalitel’nykh zabolevaniy muzhskoy reproduktivnoy sistemy: fermenty, prostatosomy]. Problemy reproduktsii, (3), 82-84.

14. Menshikova EB, Zenkov NK, Lankin VZ, Bondar IA, Trufakin VA. (2008). Oxidative stress. Pathological conditions and diseases [Okislitel’nyy stress. Patologicheskie sostoyaniya i zabolevaniya]. Novosibirsk, 284 p.

15. Nazarov SB, Kuzmenko GN, O-zhi-kho EA. (2010). Effect of sperm-reacting antibodies on the intensity of free-radical oxidation and antioxidant activity of seminal plasma in men with reproductive disorders [Vliyanie anti spermal’nykh antitel na intensivnost’ svobodnoradikal’nogo okisleniya i antioksidantnuyu aktivnost’ spermal’noy plazmy muzhchin pri narushenii reproduktivnoy funktsii]. Problemy reproduktsii, (2), 60-62.

16. Neymark AI, Aliev RT, Nozdrachev NA. (2008). Effect of antioxidant defense enzymes on the ejaculate indices [Vliyanie fermentov antioksidantnoy sistemy na pokazateli eyakulyata]. Sovremennye voprosy urologii, andrologii, reproduktivnoy meditsiny: Materialy mezhregional’noy konferentsii. Novosibirsk, 473-475.

17. Toroptseva MV, Lipatova NA, Bozhedomov VA. (2009). Role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of male infertility [Rol’ oksidativnogo stressa v patogeneze muzhskogo besplodiya]. Materialy XIX mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii Rossiyskoy assotsiatsii reproduktsii cheloveka. Irkutsk, 86-87.

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19. Khyshiktuev BS, Koshmelev AA. (2010). Particularities of changes in phospholipid composition of semen in men with fertility disorders [Osobennosti izmeneniy fosfolipidnogo sostava semennoy zhidkosti u muzhchin s narusheniem fertil’nosti]. Klinicheskaya laboratornaya diagnostika, (7), 27-30.

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