Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The relevance of the study of generation “Y” (Millennial) is dictated by the need to ensure continuity of management and operations in order to enhance the effective functioning and development of modern organizations. Embedding the “young generation” in the production and management process is a long and painstaking process that requires time, financial, administrative and intellectual cost. This, in turn, requires a careful study of the key characteristics of potential employees embarking on professional activities after graduation from educational institutions at all levels, including higher. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study aimed at studying the key characteristics of potential employees in light of the “theory of generations”, as they are the main human resource of the nearest future. The study used the author’s questionnaire consisting of six units aimed at assessing the knowledge and uses foreign languages by Millennial; their relation to modern gadgets and dependence on them; participation and attitudes towards social networking and a dependence on them; social maturity; the manifestations of centrality on themselves and preferences in the nature of the work. The base of the research was the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. Students of direction of preparation “Personnel Management” took part in research. The authors assessed the compliance of the provisions of the “theory of generations” identified the key characteristics of potential workers across the criteria highlighted in the study. The results of the study can be used by professionals in the field of HR management with the aim of establishing an effective personnel policy for representatives of the generation “Y”, if they are in the staff of the organization.
theory of Generations, human resources, human resources management, Generation “Y”, Millennial, students, potential employees, key characteristics of potential employees.
Актуальность исследования поколения «Y» (Миллениалы) диктуется необходимостью обеспечения преемственности между управлением и деятельностью в целях повышения эффективности функционирования и развития современных организаций. Встраивание «молодого поколения» в производственный и управленческий процесс — длительный и кропотливый процесс, требующий временных, финансовых, административных и интеллектуальных затрат. Высокая скорость инновационных изменений экономики, рыночной среды и менеджмента заставляет управленцев всех уровней — от топ-менеджеров до линейных и функциональных менеджеров — искать и внедрять технологии максимально быстрой и результативной «настройки» молодых новичков на продуктивную и результативную деятельность. Это, в свою очередь, требует тщательного изучения ключевых характеристик потенциальных работников, приступающих к профессиональной деятельности после окончания учебных заведений всех уровней, включая высший.
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