Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the work with scientific and cognitive works at literary reading lessons in the light of the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of primary general education. A brief description of the origins and traditions of the methodology for working with such texts is given, as well as the practice of applying scientific and cognitive literature in primary school. An example of a modern approach to work with scientific and cognitive works in literary reading classes is given. Particular attention is paid to the formation of text skills in junior schoolchildren when working with scientific and artistic works, which are important both for literary reading lessons and for lessons on other subjects of primary school.

reading skills; scientific-educational and scientific-artistic children’s literature; the origins and traditions of the methodology of applying scientific and cognitive literature in the school; lessons of literary reading; skills of working with textual information.

Современное общество предъявляет к читательской деятельности учащихся начальной школы серьезные требования, что нашло отражение в Федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте начального общего образования.


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