Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Gomotoksikologiya — odno iz napravleniy biologicheskoy nauki, sinteziruyuschee sovremennye dostizheniya i mnogovekovoy opyt vrachevaniya. Kak nauka ona zanimaet odno iz veduschih mest v naturopaticheskoy medicine, naryadu s akupunkturoy, manual'noy terapiey i gomeopatiey. Zadachey antigomotoksicheskoy terapii yavlyaetsya obespechenie detoksikacionnogo effekta i aktivizaciya sobstvennyh zaschitnyh sil organizma. S etih poziciy i byl razrabotan obshirnyy spektr preparatov firmy «Heel'», predstavlyayuschih soboy kompleksy iz natural'nyh prirodnyh komponentov. Antigomotoksicheskie reparaty mogut primenyat'sya vnutr', vnutrimyshechno, a takzhe metodami biopunktury i farmakopunktury. Dve poslednie metodiki chasche vsego ispol'zuyutsya v lechenii patologii oporno-dvigatel'noy sistemy. Naibolee chasto s etoy cel'yu primenyayutsya takie preparaty firmy «Heel'» kak Cel' T, Traumel' S, Diskus kompozitum.
antigomotoksicheskaya terapiya, immunopatologicheskaya vspomogatel'naya reakciya, biologicheskaya samoregulyaciya, adaptaciya, Traumel' S, Cel' T.
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8. Gonzalez de Vega C, Gonzalez J, on behalf of Traumeel Acute Ankle Sprain Spain Study (TAASS) Investigators. A randomized, controlled, multicenter study on the effectiveness of Traumeel in terms of pain reduction and function improvement compared with diclofenac gel in acute ankle sprain. Ann Rheum Dis 2012; 71 (Suppl III): Abstract (SATO423)
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11. Birnesser H, Oberbaum M, Klein P, Weiser M. The homeopathic preparation Traumeel S compared with NSAIDs for symptomatic theatment of epicondylitis. J Musculosekeletal Research 2004; 8 (2–3): 119–128.