Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This publication is devoted to the definition of one of the graphics forms – technical drawing, its conventions, clarity, possible lack of visibility, and means of addressing them. The concept of "technical drawing" is defined ambiguously by different authors in different textbooks. Very often it is implied that technical drawing is an image of technical parts, components, and similar products. Sometimes the word "technical" means "auxiliary", "helping" to express this or that design (architectural or constructive) idea. Tutorials for technical drawing (engineering graphics, engineering drawing) the technical drawing in most cases is considered as a drawing according to perspective rules– as a special kind of axonometric drawing. Because in the drawing courses are studied mainly the so-called standard axonometric projection, some authors believe that technical drawings shall be either isometric or dimetric (rectangular or oblique). Advanced technical drawings usually are not mentioned in textbooks on engineering graphics, and information about them is missing. There is no analysis of the characteristics that distinguish the "visual image" from the "not visual" one. Technical drawing is an object’s illustrative graphical representation made by hand or other means, in visual scale, correctly disclosing a technical idea, object design. "Visibility" of the image should be connected with the completeness of the information that this image gives to the viewer. A visual representation should approximately correspond to the visual image of the object when looking at it in space, in nature, to avoid excessive distortions of the surface and design. The perspective images transfuse an impression of objects’ outside appearance and create the effect of "viewer presence" close to the depicted object. But as construction of the perspective image is more labor intensive than of the axonometric one, and shape distortions in perspective are more significant, so visual images are often performed according to axonometric rules. Unacceptable distortions of objects visual image on the images in oblique projections limit the possibilities of their application.

technical drawing, axonometric drawing, axonometric design, perspective drawing, perspective design, visual image.

Понятие «технический рисунок» определяется разными авторами и в различных учебных пособиях неоднозначно. Весьма часто подразумевается, что техническое рисование — это рисование технических деталей, узлов, строительных конструкций, фрагментов архитектурных сооружений и элементов, из которых они состоят — геометрических тел [4; 7; 20; 25].


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