Vladivostok, Russian Federation
To master such important section of computer graphics as “Geometric Transformations of Coordinates” have been proposed laboratory works on discipline “Engineering and Computer Graphics” for MSUN students of specialties 27.03.04 “Management in Engineering Systems” and 09.03.01 “Informatics and Computer Engineering”. In contrast to existing laboratory works on computer graphics, demanding the knowledge of algorithmic languages and programming essentials, the presented tasks are performed in a MathCAD package, which allows represent results in the form of geometrical drawings without writing complicated computer programs. In this paper are considered elementary geometrical transformations and their compositions. Matrixes of object coordinates transformations at transfer, rotation and scaling on the plane and in space have been described. Constructions of orthogonal, axonometric and central projections on screen plane have been considered. Distinctions in algorithms for objects’ geometrical transformations above reference zero and arbitrary point have been noted. It has been showed that the end result of complex transformations depends on sequence of elementary transformations. A large number of examples covering the laboratory practicum’s content have been provided. Results have been presented in the form of numbers and drawings using MathCAD. In the first laboratory work have been considered the objects geometrical transformations (transfer, rotation and scaling) on the plane and in space; in the second one – construction of central, orthogonal and axonometric projections for three-dimensional objects on a computer screen (plane). Have been developed methodological instructive regulations for performance of laboratory and independent works which are used for students training on the MSUN’s descriptive geometry and graphics chair.
computer graphics, geometric transformations of coordinates, matrixes, central and parallel projections, axonometry, MathCAD, laboratory works.
Компьютерная графика для студентов факультета электроники и информационных технологий МГУ им. адмирала Невельского является второй частью дисциплины «Инженерная и компьютерная графика» и изучается в 3–4 семестрах.
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6. GOST 2.305-2008. Edinaya sistema konstruktorskoy dokumentatsii. Izobrazheniya – vidy, razrezy, secheniya [GOST 2.305-2008. Unified system of design documentation. Images — types, sections, sections]. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2009. 24 p. (in Russian)
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9. Gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel'nyy standart vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya. Napravlenie podgotovki diplomirovannogo spetsialista 654600 – Informatika i vychislitel'naya tekhnika [State educational standard of higher professional education. Direction of graduate training 654600 — Informatics and computer facilities]. Available at: http://www.edu.ru
10. Makarov E.G. Inzhenernye raschety v MathCAD 15: Uchebnyj kurs [Engineering calculations in MathCad 15: Training course]. St. Petersburg, Piter Publ., 2011. 400 p. (In Russian).
11. Nikulin E.A. Komp`yuternaya geometriya i algoritmy mashinnoj grafiki [Computer geometry and computer graphics algorithms]. St. Petersburg, BHV-Peterburg Publ., 2005. 560 p. (in Russian)
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14. Kharakh M.M., Kozlova I.A., Slavin B.M. Konstruirovanie sborochnogo chertezha izdeliya metodom 3D-modelirovaniya kak zavershayushchiy etap izucheniya inzhenernoy i komp'yuternoy grafiki [Design assembly drawing articles 3D modeling method as final stage of studying engineering and computer graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 3, pp. 36–40. (in Russian). DOI: 10.12737/5588.
15. Kheifets A.L. Inzhenernaya 3D-komp'yuternaya grafika: uchebnik i praktikum dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata [Engineering 3D computer graphics]. Moscow, YUrajt Publ., 2015. 602 p. (in Russian).
16. Kheifets A.L. Inzhenernaya kompyuternaya grafika. AutoCAD [Engineering computer graphics. AutoCAD]. St. Petersburg, BHV Publ., 2005. 336 p. (in Russian)
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19. Trebovaniya k obyazatel'nomu minimumu soderzhaniya i urovnyu podgotovki bakalavra po napravleniyu 552800 – Informatika i vychislitel'naya tekhnika (vtoroy uroven' vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya) [Requirements for compulsory minimum content and level of bachelor's degree in the direction 552800 — Informatics and computer facilities (second level of higher professional education)]. Available at: http://www.edu.ru
20. Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart vysshego obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki 09.03.01 – Informatika i vychislitel'naya tekhnika (bakalavriat) [Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the Field of Training 09.03.01 — Informatics and Computer Science (Bachelor's)]. Available at: http://www.edu.ru
21. Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki 230100 – Informatika i vychislitel'naya tekhnika (kvalifikaciya (stepen') bakalavr) [Federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the field of preparation 230100 — Informatics and computer facilities (qualification (degree) bachelor)]. Available at: http://www.edu.ru