Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Given the high value of nuts of the genus Juglans, the increase of production must come not only by identifying and breeding the best varieties and forms, but also by shifting the limits of cultivation to the North, in "new" regions, where nut culture was not widespread. Objects of research were local forms of walnut, which grows in 19 administrative districts of the Voronezh region. Studied garden and field plantings, plantations, landscape group and separately standing trees. In determining the resistance of plants to adverse climatic factors used conventional techniques. The primary limiting factor for walnut is hardiness, hindering its mass deployment in culture to the North of the existing zone distribution. It hardiness has the worst indicator (2.26 points), compared to the other sustainability criteria. The maximum correlation of winter temperature are marked with the figures of March (r= 0.48) and April (r=0,45). It is established that neither the mean monthly climatic parameters separately does not show a high correlation with the winter hardiness of walnut, so you should consider set of factors. With the help of the dispersion analysis identified the most significant group of climatic factors that determine the successful development of plants, which were taken as a basis for conducting zoning. The greatest influence on the winter hardiness of walnut have a sum of active temperatures (above + 5°C) – ή =0.62 and as a consequence, the annual average temperature (°C) – ή =0.53. In order for the hardiness of the walnut was at an acceptable level, it is essential to acquire the sum of active temperatures more than 3000 °C. it is Revealed that with varying degrees of success walnuts can be grown in all districts of the Voronezh region. Selected 4 functional areas according to the degree of resistance to adverse factors.
Juglans regia, introduction, zoning, hardiness, climatic factors, assessment of prospects.
Учитывая высокую ценность орехов рода Juglans, увеличение их производства должно идти не только за счет выявления и разведения лучших сортов и форм, но и путем смещения предельной границы культивирования на север, в «новые» регионы, где орехоплодные культуры не имеют широкого распространения.
Орех грецкий (Juglans regia L.) по хозяйственной ценности, безусловно, является номером один среди орехоплодных пород. По совокупности полезных для человека свойств его можно отнести к наиболее ценным растениям планеты [5, 8]. Однако именно данный вид является наиболее теплолюбивым среди всех видов орехов рода Juglans и не всегда проявляет зимостойкие свойства вне естественного ареала [7].
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