Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Reforestation provides conservation of biological diversity and beneficial functions of forests. Every year more and more significant share in forest landscapes is taken by artificial plants. On the basis of the technical specification, types of work on reproduction of forests in the forest plots of Somovskoe forestry for the year of 2016 are represented. Categories of silvicultural areas are represented by felling of 2011-2015 years and dry burned areas of 2010. Type of wood – herbal pine with oak, type of forest growing conditions – fresh soubor. Based on "Reforestation Project" detailed features of plantations creation at clearings and burned areas are given. For greater productivity of plantations and resistance to fire and pine fungus plantations were created by intermingled mixture of 10 rows of Scots pine with 10 rows of European white birch. Data of technical acceptance of plantations are given. To prevent overgrowing of the surface of the soil with weedy herbaceous and shrub vegetation, promote moisture accumulation in the soil, cares for woodlands within 5 years are planned. Ploughing of plot with mineralized strips is implemented as fire prevention measures. Addition of forest cultures was made in spring at the area of 2.3 hectares by oak with closed root system, as well as in autumn at the area of 24.9 hectares by pine with closed root system and birch. Preparation of soils under forest cultures for the next year was made at the area of 72.0 hectares. Agrotechnical tending for forest cultures is made on the area of 250 ha. Combined reforestation and assistance to natural regeneration have not been conducted. Recommendations on timely recovery of economically valuable forests in the felling and burnt areas are given.

sustainable forest management, reforestation, silviculture, felling, burnt area.
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Лес является одним из ключевых ресурсов планеты, поскольку помимо экономической ценности он имеет определяющее (наряду с запасами пресной воды) значение в поддержании приемлемых условий жизни на Земле, выполняя огромный спектр экологических и социальных функций, что обусловливает приоритетность решения проблем использования и воспроизводства лесного потенциала в мире, странах, регионах, населенных пунктах [3, 9].


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